Tuesday 21 March 2017

Find way of improving public libraries service

For year the public libraries had been talking about increasing membership and circulation , But it strike my head that as libraries we need to improve our service and promote information need . I look at the core function of libraries, to check for the gaps and areas of improvement. We promote reading, story telling for children and assisting school children with their project. For this year we have decide to visit school and teach  information literacy at school . 

I thought the best way is to introduce podcast technology and move away from our traditional way of doing thing. And because  Web 2.0  had given us the best platform to improve own service and promote interaction and community participation .I will like to tell you what is podcast and how does it work..A definition comes from dictionary a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device, typically available as a series, new instalments of which can be received by subscribers automatically

Image result for podcast appImage result for podcast app

A Wikipedia  define is a narrative unit within a larger dramatic work such as film .television series of digital media files that is encoded in a machine readable format. Podcast can be created, viewed, distributed, modified and preserved on digital electronic device A user can set up that new episode and download via web syndication  to the user own computer or media play

4 Types of podcasts
1.Audio podcasts are audio only.  They are generally mp3 format (can also be AAC) and may be the most common type of podcast.  Audio podcasts (in mp3 format) are the most compatible with all computers and portable media devices
2,Video podcast is a term used for the online delivery of video content.  The term is used to distinguish between podcasts which most commonly contain audio files and those referring to the distribution of video.
3.Enhanced podcasts are a somewhat unique type of podcast that combine audio podcast with synced images, similar to a narrated slideshow
4.Screencast is a digital recording of computer screen output, also known as a video screen capture, often containing audio narration

Benefits of podcast to libraries
  • Produce and distribute technology podcast can enhance the service of the libraries
  • Into library collection can assert the way about how a library could find, organize  and evaluate 
  • Podcast support the library goal example will story telling, literature review, and you can use it on teach lessions
  • It promote library resources and service
  • And technology podcast can be use to provide instruction session
  • It can replace a place of human being ...


Tuesday 7 March 2017

Web 2.0 and Library's service

Video for library web 2.0 technologies▶ 9:36 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4Qlj7azlbg

Before I would like us look at Web 1.0 to understand were we are and what changes had we adopted as libraries. Before Web 2,0 there was Web 1.0 and it is first stage in the Web World Web. Web 1.0 was made up to web page connected to hyperlink. It was all about simple, reading home page  and were search engine AltaVista and Netscape, dominated browser. Chat room were global platform demanding, participation and hosted no adverting


Web 2.0 came with  shocking changes '.revolutionary changes"  and it allows users to interact with data(one can be able to edit a document) . It allowing the customers to interact with the information and enables anyone to contribute to(as a customer you can give suggestions about the products or product ) Web application can now be created that with users, the way were become acustomed with desktop application.Web pages gives people the ability to express them by using certain platforms (bloggers, facebook and twitter)

Type site are possible to combine data from various source and turn that to data that a person can use like Flick (gallery of adventure or traveling , can be combine with Google Map of that site are and one can use Diigo to bookmarked and tag necessary information for certain subject or area .An people can interact to allow people to see where are a and where are they traveling to either read review on their blogs and facebook post

Most of the popular example of web 2.0 
Google Maps

Changes and migration from Web 1.0  to Web 2,0
Ofoto - Flickr
Britannica Online --...>>> Wikipedia
personal websites -->>>> blogging
domain name speculation --> search engine optimization
page views -->>>>>>>> cost per click
screen scraping --> >>>>>web services
publishing -->>>>> participation
content management systems --> wikis
directories (taxonomy) --> tagging ("folksonomy")
stickiness -->>>>>>>>> syndication

Image result for librarian web 2.0 technologies
Then what does Web 2.0 have to do with the library service and user information need behaviour? Historical Web 1.0 has significant role in the libraries eg Britannica Online , Wikipedia, publication and library OPAC."Web 2.0" will have substantial implications for libraries, and recognizes that while these implications keep very close to the history and mission of libraries, they still necessitate a new paradigm for librarianship. Web 2.0 technologies such as synchronous messaging and streaming media, blogs, wikis, social networks, tagging and  RSS feeds changed in how libraries provide access to their collections and user support for that access.Jack M. Maness,MLS, University of Colorado at Boulder Libraries, 1720 Pleasant St., Boulder, CO, USA. Email: jack dot maness at colorado dot edu.Received June 19, 2006; Accepted June 29, 2006 

Related image
Libraries adopted or use  Library 2.0 as Library vehicle providing examples of its substantial implications for librarianship.  It  is necessary to focus discussion and experimentation within the community, and will be valuable in the implementation of new web-based services
"Library 2.0" as "the application of interactive, collaborative, and multi-media web-based technologies to web-based library services and collections," and suggests this definition be adopted by the library science community. . The application of Library 2.0 theory to aspects of librarianship reaching beyond Web 2.0 technology is welcome, of course, but  very likely be framed by a different vocabulary.

A theory for Library 2.0 could be understood to have these four essential elements:

• It is user-centered. Users participate in the creation of the content and services they view within the library's web-presence, OPAC, etc. The consumption and creation of content is dynamic, and thus the roles of librarian and user are not always clear.

• It provides a multi-media experience . Both the collections and services of Library 2.0 contain video and audio components. While this is not often cited as a function of Library 2.0, it is here suggested that it should be.

• It is socially rich . The library's web-presence includes users' presences. There are both synchronous (e.g. IM) and asynchronous (e.g. wikis) ways for users to communicate with one another and with librarians.

• It is communally innovative. This is perhaps the single most important aspect of Library 2.0. It rests on the foundation of libraries as a community service, but understands that as communities change, libraries must not only change with them, they must allow users to change the library. It seeks to continually change its services, to find new ways to allow communities, not just individuals to seek, find, and utilize information.
  Library service had been migrated in more to social Web 2.0,most libraries are using Facebook, twitter and whatapps to provide means by which user can interact with one another or directly with librarian . It provide users access to collection online and explore digital repository application and the library catalog. Though the history library 's role has been as a communal gathering place, one shared identity , communication and action. Social networking enabled librarian and users not only to interact but to share and change resources in an electronic medium. By letting users create account with the library network, see what other users have in common to their information needs, recommend resource to one another and they can add tag to resources . Through Web 2.0 library's service changed, focus more on the facilitation of information transfer and information literacy then providing controlled access

Video for library web 2.0 technologies▶ 9:36