Saturday 8 April 2017

The QA code as marketing for libraries

Before for we talk about who is the QR code to the libraries, we need to understand what is QA code and whether can we use it in our public libraries . Public libraries users varies, some are coming from disadvantage background and some are technical challenges.  (abbreviated from Quick Response Code) is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional barcode) first designed for the automotive industry in Japan. A barcode is a machine-readable optical label that contains information about the item to which it is attached. A QR code uses four standardized encoding modes (numeric, alphanumeric, byte/binary, and kanji) to efficiently store data; extensions may also be used w



You can find QR codes being used to send audiences to a website for browsing, to bookmark a webpage, to initiate phone calls, send short messages, send emails, produce links to web URL’s, start chats with blackberry users, connect to WI-FI networks, access information, get coupons, view videos, purchase items, process orders, advertise products, etc.. And again we need to understand our users and who can be able to used and read the codes. However QA codes are useful tool for marketing large production

 Then we need to teach people and users on how to use the QA code. There are useful website to teach user and they can bring their phone smartphone to the libraries. However our public library need to have Wi fi connection and it mean rural communities can not have access to this information The QR Code® will link you to helpful tools and additional information about the vehicle. View this video for a QR Code® demonstration


QR Code is like a barcode.

•A QR code is a 2-dimensional matrix barcode which can store information both vertically and horizontally.

•QR stands for "Quick Response." 

•QR Codes can contain links, text, phone numbers, and other information.

•Codes can be read with any Smartphone, as long as you have a QR code app.

•QR Codes were invented by the Japanese company Denso-Wave in 1994.  They have become extremely popular in Japan, and have recently become more prevalent in the United States.

•The Codes are created according to ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and other standards QR Code is like a barcode.

•A QR code is a 2-dimensional matrix barcode which can store information both vertically and horizontally.

 QA codes and public libraries

Click through to the actual item record, and guess what? There’s a QR Code on that item record. Scan it, and you’re given the title of the book, the call number, floor the book is on, and if the book is available.


Plus, the QR Code software I used, BeeTagg Reader, gave me these added options:

•a way to copy the scanned content to my clipboard (for later copying into another document);

•a way to send the content via e-mail or via SMS; and

•the ability to save content to my favorites list.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Khosi

    Please rectify the "QA" in your title and in the text. It should read "QR". You have made a good attempt but I would like to see your own reflection in your discussion - do not repeat the class notes please. Try to read what others have done and comment on their work.
    Good luck
